These 4 Foods Sabotage Your Success

4 Foods That Impact Your Brain Function

Did you know that your diet could be sabotaging your success?

4 Food That Harm Brain And Success
The food we eat is not only important for our overall health, but is most important for our brain health and therefore, your success in all aspects of your life.

A short while ago, the German media was going berserk on a producer of salmon spread. Why? Because he was honest. The translation of the part marked red is:

"Can affect activity and concentration of kids." (ADHS)

Let's ignore for now that this is not a problem of one producer who was honest enough to print it on the label. Most processed food and junk food contains these or other as harmful additives.
Let's also ignore that ADS is widely unknown in countries that eat natural foods, and just consider it established that food and food additives do influence our brain functions.
Food producers know this. What you eat might not make or break your career, but definitely make it easier or harder. A simple “2-day healthy food” test would surprise unhealthy eaters as they would immediately notice that they have way more energy, better concentration, less fatigue.
In our competitive times, we all want our brain to perform at its peak, right?
Let’s look at 4 foods that are bad for the brain and could be harming your effort to be successful.

Foods That Are Bad For The Brain

1. MSGs

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer that is added to our food. There are many afflictions that happen to lab animals after consuming MSG. We, as humans, are five times more sensitive to MSG, particularly when consumed over a lifetime.

MSG causes the brain to misfire, especially during the first few years of life. This messes up nearly all aspects of brain function. This includes behavior, intelligence, and hormones. When fed MSG, animal studies have shown a significant increase in the failure to complete complex tasks.

It has been found to damage the centers of the brain that control learning, social control, memory and social interaction.

MSG is found in foods that are labeled with the word “glutamate”. Avoiding this additive could be the very best thing you will ever do for your brain. Food producers hide MSG's behind several names as well.

Read more about the dangers of MSG's HERE

2. Sugar

It’s estimated that American’s eat 79 pounds (ca. 36 kg) of sugar per year. The not-so-sweet effects that consuming sugar are inflammation that causes neuronal and vascular damage and constant insulin spikes.

Large amounts of sugar cause the brain’s memory control center to become inflamed, resulting in this center not working at 100%. Moreover, increased intake of sugar has been shown to be linked to depression. It is safe to say that depression is not a career helper.

Studies have shown that people eating higher than normal amounts of sugar performed more poorly on a memory test than those people who didn’t add sugar to their diets. It concluded that eating a high-sugar diet, for as little as one week, was enough to impair our memory.

Even worse are artificial sweeteners. Artificial Sweeteners the Silent Killer.
Read how to detox from sugar HERE

3. Trans Fat

If you see “partially hydrogenated oils” in the list of ingredients on the food that you are eating, you are harming not only your heart, but also causing major brain drain. These “partially hydrogenated oils” are codes for trans fats.

Diets that are high in trans fats have been shown to increase beta-amyloid, a peptide plaque, that deposit in our brains and is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

A study published in the magazine Neurology found that people who ate high levels of trans fats had a lower cognitive ability.

Foods that are the main culprits include baked goods, processed foods, and fried foods.

This type of fat is not to be mistaken for “good fats”. Our body needs good fats, they are good for us and our brain and they are even essential for weight-loss. Trans fat is bad fat.

4. Saturated Fat

A small amount of saturated fat is okay, but if your diet is high in this, it can decrease your brain’s ability to battle the formation of Alzheimer’s brain plaque. There are some exceptions to the rule, like in example coconut oil.

Vegetarians who are looking for healthy protein alternatives can read HEREIf you binge on saturated fat, the onslaught will hurt your brain in the short term. It impairs the brain’s ability to form new memories and learn, as soon as 10 minutes after consumption. Saturated fats in the amounts we typically consume it can lead to other health problems as well.

You can learn more about which food contains which kind of fat in the PDF I came across:
While several studies suggest that saturated fats cause disease and brain difficulties, in my opinion and experience this is partly true.
A large part of the issue is a) that we eat too much animal-based food and b) that we eat too much processed food (and in general) and meat of low quality – often with other unhealthy foods, like sandwich bread, sausage and such.


As you can see, these 4 foods can cause numerous harmful changes in our brains. When our concentration, memory, and intelligence is compromised, our success in any venture in life will ultimately be damaged. We aren’t able to move forward to fulfill our dreams and goals, whether they be in our business life or our personal growth.

We must keep in mind that the small mistakes we make do sum up until they finally punish us in the form of a disease. Likewise, we can make sure that our brain functions at peak level by consuming the right food.
It's not about eating the perfect food all the time. That would be the ideal, but is typically hard to realize when you have a busy career.
If you just implement the minor or major changes you can commit to, your brain and overall health will thank you.
