6 Signs You're Immature

6 Signs You're Immature

If there's one thing that is sure in life, it's that we age. However, getting older doesn't equal getting more mature.
Recently, Don contacted me. The reason his former employer gave him for firing him is that he is too immature. Don asked if I could help him to "grow up." I admit that his inquiry caught me by surprise. However, I get it.
The behavior that makes us the coolest, most sought-after kid in school, doesn't work later in life.

Are you motivated by fear or love?

Are you healthy? Do you live a fulfilled life? Are your relationships healthy and respectful? And how about your job? Are you doing it out of love or out of fear? Have you ever thought about it? In life, we make decisions all the time. Often we find it difficult and our head is spinning: […]

Letting go of anger and fear with the Sedona method

When a burdensome thought wears you down Martha is retired. She has trouble walking so that she hardly leaves the house anymore. She feels trapped even though she has an apartment in the middle of a capital city. Her neighbor is home all day too. The problem is that, according to Martha, he makes a […]

Guided Breath Meditation for Stress Management

  5 Minute Stress-Management Meditation The paradox about stress and stress-management is: The more you feel under pressure the less likely that you feel like taking out an hour of your day for self-care (even though you know you should). Not only are we endangering our mental and physical health and put ourselves at the […]