Why trust is the best illusion of control

Why trust is the best illusion of control

The illusion of control is an irrational thought because we never really have control.
"Radical acceptance rests on letting go of the illusion of control and a willingness to notice and accept things as they are right now, without judging." ~ Marsha M. Linehan

Inner Conflicts – Are you your own worst Enemy?

Most of you probably know the feeling of being your own nemesis. Maybe you’re trying to live up to your standards or fulfill the expectations of others. Or maybe you’re in a catch-22 situation and have difficulties deciding which way to go.

Emotional Wellness Mini Course

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How to thrive in a world that's not fair

Peter had to fire his staff when Corona hit. Sonya called in sick after she didn't receive the promotion. Anthony Stockelman pleaded guilty to molesting young Katie. He was unaware that he'll share a jail with Katie's cousin, Jared. Jared used a makeshift tattoo gun fashioned from a cassette deck motor and a guitar string, […]

The Nightmare on Christmas

Follow as many of the seven tips as possible to make Christmas the catastrophe of the year

Christmas after a loss

Even if you feel you made the first steps toward coping with grief, the first Christmas after a loss tears up old wounds. When grandma’s chair stays empty. When Papa doesn’t dress up as Santa. When you don’t have a partner to celebrate with.

6 Signs You're Immature

If there's one thing that is sure in life, it's that we age. However, getting older doesn't equal getting more mature.
Recently, Don contacted me. The reason his former employer gave him for firing him is that he is too immature. Don asked if I could help him to "grow up." I admit that his inquiry caught me by surprise. However, I get it.
The behavior that makes us the coolest, most sought-after kid in school, doesn't work later in life.

Finding your Inner Peace

Bursting the bubble An event throws us off course. It can be something as small as a canceled appointment or something existential, for instance, a dangerous disease, job loss, or the end of our marriage. Some people's mood changes if their favorite soccer team loses or the weather is dreadful. Most of you can relate: […]

8 Signs You Are Emotionally Mature

Emotional maturity and stability have nothing to do with your biological age. Some are emotionally mature at a very young age, others never are. The term describes people that are centered, not self-centered. Someone with a grounded character, emotional intelligence, self-confidence and often (but not necessarily) a fair share of life experience.

The 8 signs of emotional maturity show you how far you have come and where you still have potential for improvement.

Paralyzed by Fear – The Fiction in your Brain

Fear is paralyzing. The fear of rejection. Fear of change. Fear of success and fear of failure. We're afraid of clowns. Ok, scratch that. Fear is a necessary survival instinct. It leads our decisions and helps us survive. We depend on our ability to recognize danger. But 15 – 20% of people develop a phobia […]

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