How to deal with toxic people in your life

How to deal with toxic people in your life

After a long day, I went to LinkedIn to look at my notifications. I read a few comments and replied to them. After a few minutes, I noticed I felt exhausted. From what? Responding to a few comments? I removed myself from the conversation. Then I realized that I have not shared tips on how to […]

Are you motivated by fear or love?

Are you healthy? Do you live a fulfilled life? Are your relationships healthy and respectful? And how about your job? Are you doing it out of love or out of fear? Have you ever thought about it? In life, we make decisions all the time. Often we find it difficult and our head is spinning: […]

Letting go of anger and fear with the Sedona method

When a burdensome thought wears you down Martha is retired. She has trouble walking so that she hardly leaves the house anymore. She feels trapped even though she has an apartment in the middle of a capital city. Her neighbor is home all day too. The problem is that, according to Martha, he makes a […]

8 Hacks For More Confidence

Confidence is self-trust. How far we trust ourselves decides about our results. A former trainer of mine, Lester Karrass, famously said: "In business and in life - you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate." The less faith you have in yourself, the weaker will you negotiate. You will settle for little. […]

Boost your feeling of self-worth

Project Confidence is available now "I want more from life! I would love to be stronger. More daring. I want to be myself. Not afraid of doing my thing. I want to be open to people. And, hey, while we're at it: I want to be more at peace with myself. I want to just […]

Dealing With Toxic People - Plan A and B

Remove toxic people from your life? It's easy, right? If you spot a toxic person, you avoid them. That is Plan A. If only it were that easy … How can we tell a negative person from a destructive one? And what if they are our employees, family members, bosses, or even our spouses? Why […]

Too much pressure? Gain back control over your mind!

Are you putting yourself under pressure? This easy tip helps you gaining back control Too much pressure causes stress. Stress can make us ill. Since 1990, the number of sick leaves for emotional distress has more than doubled. Job stress has been declared one of the biggest threats of the century by the World Health […]

Fear of Change - 5 Life Hacks

Pledge against Living as Johnny Average Often we would rather accept to be unhappy than making changes that can lead to a better life for us. Time and time again, we can see that people only change when they have no alternatives left. When their back is against the wall. But before that came a […]

Ending Self-Sabotage

The art of being your worst enemy Self-limiting beliefs lead to self-sabotage As always in life, the number one success killer is fear. What are the most common reasons for self-sabotage? Lack of feeling of self-worth Past hurt (Emotional Intelligence) Fear of success Fear of failure Self-sabotaging behavior like eating an unhealthy diet, not pursuing our […]

The Biggest Success / Happiness Blocker

Why you are unhappy, unsuccessful, sick or overweight In this article, we will be looking at the single most common and deep-rooted cause of our problems. Problems like in example: I don't advance in my career I did not hit my targets I hate my job I am lonely I am overweight I am not […]